GU CHENG 1956–1993
Gu Cheng’s 顾城position in contemporary Chinese poetry remains a mystery despite all the seemingly obvious facts surrounding it. Born in Beijing in 1956, and being the youngest of the “misty” (menglong) poets, Gu Cheng actually got an early start as a writer. His earliest poets collected in the posthumously published Complete Poems of Gu Cheng (Gu Cheng shi quanbian) (Gu 1995) are dated 1964, and his youthful yet stunningly beautiful poem “A Fantasia to Life” (Shengming huanxiang qu) was written in 1971, when Gu Cheng was only fourteen years old. On top of that, Gu Cheng had been labeled as a “fairytale poet” (tonghua shiren) in the 1980, which was derived from the eponymous poem that Shu Ting dedicated to him:
You believed in the fairytale you wove 你相信了你编写的童话
So that yourself turned into a blue flower in that fairytale 自己就成了童话中幽蓝的花
(Extracted from New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry edited by Christopher Lupke. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.)