- 《陌生的海滩》全稿
- 短篇小说 《在废墟上》
- 短篇小说《归来的陌生人》
- 短篇小说《旋律》
- 短篇小说 《稿纸上的月亮》
- 短篇小说 《幸福大街十三号》手稿
北島(趙振開) 1949 -
作品: 詩集《守夜》、小說《波動》、詩歌隨筆《時間的玫瑰》、散文集《藍房子》、《青燈》、《午夜之門》、 《城門開》等。作品被譯成三十多種文字出版。
榮譽 : 瑞典筆會文學獎、美國西部筆會中心自由寫作獎、古根海姆獎金、德國讓內特‧斯考肯文學獎(Jeanette Schocken Literary Prize) 等,當選美國藝術文學院終身榮譽院士。
Bei Dao (Zhenkai Zhao) 1949 -
Zhenkai Zhao, known to international readers by his pseudonym Bei Dao, is one of China’s foremost poets of the “Today school”, also known as the “misty school”. Born in Beijing in 1949 to a traditional middle-class professional family, he came of age during the social upheavals of the Cultural Revolution. He joined the Red Guard movement, became disillusioned with Chinese society, and was later sent to the countryside, living an isolated life as a construction worker. His early work — a novella and sequence of poems — was widely appreciated within the growing democracy movement.
In 1978, Bei Dao co-founded the underground literary magazine Jintian (“Today”) and published the first issue in December. The magazine continued until 1980, when it was shut down by officials in Beijing. Bei Dao was in Berlin as a writer-in-residence when the events of Tiananmen Square occurred in 1989; he was exiled and forbidden to return. He and others revived Jintian in Oslo in 1990, and he continues as editor.
Bei Dao has taught in the United States at the University of California–Davis, the University of Alabama, the University of Notre Dame, and Beloit College. In August 2007, he moved with his family to Hong Kong, where he is Professor of Humanities at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Bei Dao has spoken of an early appreciation for what he called “the golden chain of Spanish poetry,” particularly the writings of Garcia Lorca, which he read in Chinese translation in the 1970s, and the work of Rafael Alberti, Vicente Aleixandre and Antonio Machado. His own books of poetry include The Rose of Time (2009), Unlock (2000), At the Sky’s Edge: Poems 1991-1996 (1996), Landscape Over Zero (1995), Forms of Distance (1994), Old Snow (1991) and The August Sleepwalker (1988).
(Extracted from Brown University website. Prof. Bei Dao was conferred an honorary degree Doctor of Letters (Lett. D.) from Brown University at its 243rd Commencement on May 29, 2011)