香港城市大學City University of Hong Kong
邵逸夫圖書館 Run Run Shaw Library
《今天》文學雜誌檔案捐贈統計Statistics of the Today Literary Magazine Archives
類別 |
Categories |
Total 總數 |
期刊 | Periodicals | 107 |
手稿 | Manuscripts | 110 |
初期文稿 | Proof-read Copies | 145 |
插圖 | Illustrations | 81 |
照片 | Photographs | 62 |
膠片 | Negatives | 1013 |
書信 | Letters & Correspondences | 95 |
文叢詩集 | Books (Collected Essays & Anthologies of Poems) | 67 |
鋅板及木刻版 | Zinc plate & Engraving | 15 |
錄影帶 | Videotapes | 1 |
其他類別 | Others | 219 |
總計 | Grand Total | 1,915 |